
SEO Casestudy - Mfine Leading Online Doctor Consultation App in India

Mfine is a prominent online doctor consultation app in India, connecting patients with qualified doctors through a user-friendly mobile application. The company sought to enhance its online visibility, drive organic traffic, and increase organic conversions through effective search engine optimization (SEO).


The primary challenge for Mfine was to rank highly competitive keywords in the healthcare industry. The app also faced competition from other established players in the online healthcare space.


Ralecon, a leading SEO agency, devised a comprehensive SEO strategy to address Mfine’s objectives. The strategy encompassed the following key components:

Extensive Keyword Research:

Ralecon conducted meticulous keyword research to identify a wide range of target keywords relevant to the online doctor consultation industry in India. The agency identified and prioritized over 500 target keywords with significant search volumes and relevance.

On-Page Optimization:

Ralecon optimized Mfine’s website and app pages by implementing technical SEO best practices. This involved optimizing meta tags, improving page load speed, enhancing mobile responsiveness, and ensuring a smooth user experience. The agency also optimized individual landing pages for specific target keywords.

Content Creation and Optimization:

Ralecon developed a content strategy to create informative and engaging blog posts, articles, and FAQs related to healthcare topics. The agency focused on addressing common patient queries and providing valuable insights. All content was optimized to target the identified keywords and attract organic traffic.

Link Building and Outreach:

Ralecon executed a strategic link-building campaign to acquire high-quality backlinks from authoritative healthcare websites. The agency leveraged industry connections and created valuable content assets to attract natural and relevant links. This helped improve Mfine’s domain authority and search engine rankings.


Ralecon’s SEO efforts delivered outstanding results for Mfine within the designated timeframe:

500+ target keywords ranked on the 1st page of Google, establishing Mfine as a leading online doctor consultation app and significantly expanding its online visibility.

A remarkable 10X increase in organic traffic, indicating the successful implementation of SEO strategies and improved website/app visibility.

An impressive 6X increase in organic conversions, highlighting the effectiveness of the SEO campaign in driving qualified traffic and converting users into active customers.


Ralecon's meticulous SEO strategy helped Mfine, a leading online doctor consultation app in India, achieve remarkable results in terms of online visibility, organic traffic, and conversions. By conducting extensive keyword research, implementing on-page optimization techniques, creating optimized content, and executing a strategic link-building campaign, Ralecon effectively positioned Mfine as the go-to app for online healthcare consultations. The substantial increase in organic traffic and conversions is a testament to the success of the SEO efforts in driving growth for Mfine's business.

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