A successful social media planning requires strategic planning and on-time execution. When you go for social media marketing to a company in Bangalore, they will tell you that it is essential to build customer relationships by improving user engagement in the social media. In the current marketing scenario, businesses are not looking to just market their products and services. A good social media campaign will create a platform that provides necessary information to the customer and encourages them to get back to you.
While creating a SMO campaign, you can focus on the trending holidays. We’ve made a list of the important festivals, days, and celebrations in 2019 (this list is not exhaustive). Create fun and engaging posts and share them with your followers on those special days.
Ralecon is one of the leading digital marketing companies in Bangalore that offers personalized social media optimization, online reputation management, and search engine optimization services.
Create a splash in the social media in 2019.
Contact us for social media optimization services!
January 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.01.2019 |
Tuesday |
New Year’s Day |
#NewYearsDay |
02.01.2019 |
Wednesday |
Science Fiction Day |
#ScienceFictionDay |
04.01.2019 |
Friday |
National Trivia Day |
#NationalTriviaDay |
05.01.2019 |
Saturday |
National Bird Day |
#NationalBirdDay |
13.01.2019 |
Sunday |
Lohri |
#Lohri |
14.01.2019 |
Monday |
Makar Sankranti |
#MakarSankranti |
15.01.2019 |
Tuesday |
Pongal |
#Pongal |
15.01.2019 |
Tuesday |
Army Day |
#ArmyDay |
17.01.2019 |
Thursday |
Get to Know Your Customers Day |
#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay |
24.01.2019 |
Thursday |
National Girl Child Day |
# NationalGirlChildDay |
25.01.2019 |
Friday |
National Voter’s Day |
# NationalVoter’sDay |
26.01.2019 |
Saturday |
Republic Day |
#RepublicDay |
27.01.2019 |
Sunday |
World Leprosy Eradication Day |
#LeprosyDay |
28.01.2019 |
Monday |
Data Privacy Day |
#PrivacyAware |
30.01.2019 |
Wednesday |
Martyr’s Day |
# Martyr’sDay |
February 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
02.02.2019 |
Monday |
World Cancer Day |
#WorldCancerDay |
10.02.2019 |
Sunday |
World Marriage Day |
#WorldMarriageDay |
14.02.2019 |
Thursday |
Valentine’s Day |
#ValentinesDay |
21.02.2019 |
Thursday |
International Mother Language Day |
28.02.2019 |
Thursday |
National Science Day |
# NationalScienceDay, #NationalSciDay |
March 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.03.2019 |
Friday |
National Employee Appreciation Day |
#EmployeeAppreciationDay |
03.03.2019 |
Sunday |
World Wildlife Day |
#WorldWildlifeDay |
06.03.2019 |
Wednesday |
National Dentist’s Day |
#DentistsDay |
08.03.2019 |
Friday |
International Women’s Day |
#BeBoldForChange |
10.03.2019 |
Sunday |
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day |
10.03.2019 |
Sunday |
Vasant Panchami |
#VasantPanchami |
15.03.2019 |
Friday |
World Consumer Rights Day |
#WCRD2019 |
20.03.2019 |
Wednesday |
International Day of Happiness |
#InternationalDayofHappiness |
20.03.2019 |
Wednesday |
World Storytelling Day |
#WorldStorytellingDay |
21.03.2019 |
Thursday |
Holi |
#Holi |
22.03.2019 |
Friday |
World Water Day |
#WorldWaterDay |
24.03.2019 |
Sunday |
World TB Day |
#WorldTBDay, #WorldTuberculosisDay, |
26.03.2019 |
Tuesday |
American Diabetes Association Alert Day |
#AmericanDiabetesAssociationAlertDay |
30.03.2019 |
Saturday |
Doctor’s Day |
#NationalDoctorsDay |
30.03.2019 |
Saturday |
Earth Hour Day |
#EarthHour |
31.03.2019 |
Sunday |
World Backup Day |
#WorldBackupDay |
April 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.04.2019 |
Monday |
April Fool’s Day |
#AprilFools |
02.04.2019 |
Tuesday |
World Autism Awareness Day |
03.04.2019 |
Wednesday |
National Walking Day |
#NationalWalkingDay |
07.04.2019 |
Sunday |
World Health Day |
#LetsTalk |
11.04.2019 |
Thursday |
National Pet Day |
#NationalPetDay |
13.04.2019 |
Saturday |
Ram Navami |
#RamNavami |
16.04.2019 |
Tuesday |
National Stress Awareness Day |
#StressAwarenessDay |
18.04.2019 |
Thursday |
Get to Know Your Customers Day |
#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay |
22.04.2019 |
Monday |
Earth Day |
#EarthDay2019 |
23.04.2019 |
Tuesday |
World Book Day |
#WorldBookDay |
25.04.2019 |
Thursday |
National Telephone Day |
#NationalTelephoneDay |
25.04.2019 |
Thursday |
World Malaria Day |
#EndMalariaForGood |
May 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.05.2019 |
Wednesday |
May Day/ International Workers Day |
#MayDay/ #IntWorkersDay |
02.05.2019 |
Thursday |
World Password Day |
#WorldPasswordDay |
07.05.2019 |
Tuesday |
World Asthma Day |
#WorldAsthmaDay |
07.05.2019 |
Tuesday |
Thank a Teacher Day |
#ThankATeacher |
11.05.2019 |
Saturday |
National Technology Day |
#NationalTechnologyDay, #HappyTechnologyDay |
13.05.2019 |
Monday |
Mother’s Day |
#MothersDay |
15.05.2019 |
Wednesday |
International Day of Families |
#FamilyDay |
17.05.2019 |
Friday |
Endangered Species Day |
#EndangeredSpeciesDay |
31.05.2019 |
Friday |
World No-Tobacco Day |
#NoTobacco |
31.05.2019 |
Friday |
Heat Awareness Day |
#NoFryDay |
June 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.06.2019 |
Saturday |
Global Day of Parents |
#GlobalDayOfParents |
01.06.2019 |
Saturday |
International Children’s Day |
#ChildrensDay |
02.06.2019 |
Sunday |
National Cancer Survivor’s Day |
#NCSD2019 |
05.06.2019 |
Wednesday |
World Environment Day |
#WorldEnvironmentDay |
06.06.2019 |
Thursday |
Higher Education Day |
#HigherEducationDay |
08.06.2019 |
Saturday |
World Oceans Day |
#WorldOceansDay |
14.06.2019 |
Friday |
World Blood Donor Day |
#GiveBlood |
16.06.2019 |
Sunday |
Father’s Day |
#FathersDay |
21.06.2019 |
Friday |
National Selfie Day |
#NationalSelfieDay |
21.06.2019 |
Friday |
World Music Day |
#WorldMusicDay |
21.06.2019 |
Friday |
International Yoga Day |
#InternationalYogaDay |
27.06.2019 |
Thursday |
National Sunglasses Day |
#NationalSunglassesDay |
30.06.2019 |
Sunday |
Social Media Day |
#SMDay |
July 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
07.07.2019 |
Sunday |
World Chocolate Day |
#WorldChocolateDay |
17.07.2019 |
Wednesday |
World Emoji Day |
#WorldEmojiDay |
18.07.2019 |
Thursday |
Nelson Mandela International Day |
#MandelaDay |
18.07.2019 |
Thursday |
Get to Know Your Customers Day |
#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay |
30.07.2019 |
Tuesday |
International Day of Friendship |
#DayOfFriendship |
August 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.08.2019 |
Thursday |
Respect for Parents Day |
#RespectForParentsDay |
04.08.2019 |
Sunday |
Friendship Day |
#FriendshipDay |
09.08.2019 |
Friday |
National Book Lovers Day |
#NationalBookLoversDay |
12.08.2019 |
Monday |
International Youth Day |
#YouthDay |
15.08.2019 |
Thursday |
Independence Day |
#IndependenceDay |
15.08.2019 |
Thursday |
Friendship Day |
# FriendshipDay |
17.08.2019 |
Saturday |
Parsi New Year |
#ParsiNewYear |
19.08.2019 |
Monday |
World Photo Day |
#WorldPhotoDay |
19.08.2019 |
Monday |
World Humanitarian Day |
#WorldHumanitarianDay |
24.08.2019 |
Saturday |
Janmastami/Krishna Jayanthi |
#Janmastami, # KrishnaJayanthi |
26.08.2019 |
Monday |
National Women’s Equality Day |
#WomensEqualityDay |
September 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
02.09.2019 |
Monday |
Ganesh Chaturthi/Vinayaka Chaturthi |
#GaneshChaturthi, #Vinayaka Chaturthi, #ganpatibappamorya |
05.09.2019 |
Thursday |
International Day of Charity |
#CharityDay |
05.09.2019 |
Thursday |
Teacher’s Day |
#TeachersDay |
10.09.2019 |
Tuesday |
Muharram/Ashura |
#Muharram |
11.09.2019 |
Wednesday |
Onam |
#Onam |
13.09.2019 |
Friday |
Stand Up To Cancer Day |
#KissCancerGoodbye |
21.09.2019 |
Saturday |
International Day of Peace |
#PeaceDay |
27.09.2019 |
Friday |
World Tourism Day |
#WTD2019 |
29.09.2019 |
Saturday |
World Rabies Day |
#WorldRabiesDay |
30.09.2019 |
Monday |
International Podcast Day |
#InternationalPodcastDay |
October 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.10.2019 |
Tuesday |
International Day of Older Persons |
01.10.2019 |
Tuesday |
International Coffee Day |
#InternationalCoffeeDay |
01.10.2019 |
Tuesday |
World Vegetarian Day |
#WorldVegetarianDay |
02.10.2019 |
Wednesday |
International Day of Nonviolence |
#InternationalDayOfNonviolence |
02.10.2019 |
Wednesday |
Gandhi Jayanthi |
#GandhiJayanthi |
03.10.2019 |
Thursday |
National Techies Day |
#TechiesDay |
04.10.2019 |
Friday |
World Animal Day |
#WorldAnimalDay |
04.10.2019 |
Friday |
World Smile Day |
#WorldSmileDay |
05.10.2019 |
Saturday |
World Teachers Day |
#WorldTeachersDay |
07.10.2019 |
Monday |
World Habitat Day |
#WorldHabitatDay |
08.10.2019 |
Tuesday |
Dussehra/Navratri |
#Dussehra, #Navratri |
10.10.2019 |
Thursday |
World Mental Health Day |
#WorldMentalHeathDay |
10.10.2019 |
Thursday |
World Sight Day |
#WorldSightDay |
11.10.2019 |
Friday |
International Day of the Girl |
#DayOfTheGirl |
16.10.2019 |
Wednesday |
World Food Day |
#FoodDay |
16.10.2019 |
Wednesday |
Bosses Day |
#BossesDay |
17.10.2019 |
Thursday |
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty |
#EndPoverty |
17.10.2019 |
Thursday |
Get to Know Your Customers Day |
#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay |
24.10.2019 |
Thursday |
United Nations Day |
#UNDay |
27.10.2019 |
Sunday |
Diwali/Deepavali |
#Diwali, #Deepavali |
November 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.11.2019 |
Friday |
World Vegan Day |
#WorldVeganDay |
08.11.2019 |
Friday |
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) Day |
#STEMDay |
11.11.2019 |
Monday |
International Literacy Day |
#InternationalLiteracyDay |
13.11.2019 |
Wednesday |
World Kindness Day |
#WKD |
14.11.2019 |
Thursday |
World Diabetes Day |
#WDD |
16.11.2019 |
Saturday |
International Day for Tolerance |
#ToleranceDay |
17.11.2019 |
Sunday |
International Students Day |
#InternationalStudentsDay |
19.11.2019 |
Tuesday |
International Men’s Day |
#InternationalMensDay |
20.11.2019 |
Wednesday |
Universal Children’s Day |
#UNChildrensDay |
21.11.2019 |
Thursday |
World Hello Day |
#WorldHelloDay |
29.11.2019 |
Friday |
Electronic Greeting Card Day |
#ElectronicGreetingCardDay |
30.11.2019 |
Saturday |
Computer Security Day |
#ComputerSecurityDay |
30.11.2019 |
Saturday |
Small Business Saturday |
#ShopSmall |
December 2019
Date |
Day |
Holiday |
Hashtag |
01.12.2019 |
Sunday |
World AIDS Day |
#WAD2019 |
02.12.2019 |
Monday |
Cyber Monday |
#CyberMonday |
03.12.2019 |
Tuesday |
International Day of Persons with Disabilities |
05.12.2019 |
Thursday |
World Soil Day |
#WorldSoilDay |
10.12.2019 |
Tuesday |
Human Rights Day |
#HumanRightsDay |
10.12.2019 |
Tuesday |
Nobel Prize Day |
#NobelPrize |
11.12.2019 |
Wednesday |
International Mountain Day |
#InternationalMountainDay |
25.12.2019 |
Wednesday |
Christmas |
# Christmas |
31.12.2019 |
Tuesday |
New Year’s Eve |
#NYE |